Wednesday, August 22, 2007

One day in NB and another one in Quebec City

I just remember why I couldn't stand my mother too much! I kind of forget it along the way, since it's been almost 2 years since I didn't see any member of my family. She's doing camping and want to sleep there this Friday night, the night I am suppose to arrive to NB. That doesn't bother me, the only thing is that she doesn't have a phone there. She just kept asking m when I will arrive. Well, I will arrive when I will arrive! I won't be able to call when I arrive.

I work until 16h30 this Friday. I when to go to Beri-Uquam as soon as possible, take the first bus who goes to Quebec City. From there, I go to Rivière-du-Loup, and from Rivière-du-Loup, my hometown. Anyway, she doesn't seem to care about the fact that I will make my way to Berri, I could take the bus at 18 like not. Who know's if the bus will be full and that I have to take the next bus. Why things have to be so complicated with her? Why is she so miserable?

Come on, we didn't see each other for about 2 years now and if it wasn't about those license, I swear to god that I wouldn't go. I enjoy much more Quebec City. I have a friend there and it's always there where I go whenever I have a chance.

Anyway, I know that she could not show up at the bus station. So I am mentally prepared for that and I really don't give a damn no more.

I plan to stay one day only in NB. I decide that today, since my mom won't even sleep at home for me, why should I try to please her and stay 2 long days at home knowing that I don't like my hometown that much. It's going to be an exhausting and long weekend. I am just hoping my friend in Quebec City will be free this Sunday. If not, I will go directly to Montreal after fixing my license problem.



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