Sunday, November 25, 2007

I am now a prepaid babe and I still don't have the Internet at home

My blog title resume the situation pretty well. Unfortunately or fortunately for me, I find myself a job very quickly, actually on my first week of job searching, but that was because I was willing to accept any kind of job. And at the end, I land up with a job in a call center. And the "prepaid babe" is just a new job title that I give myself and it's so hilarious! The job is in a call center for customer services for cell phones which is pretty hilarious too.

But the good news is that I have been able to fit my other job in my work schedule and that's very great. I have been working more than I should for this week, but I don't mind woking so many hours if the pay is what I expect at the end.

And for the Internet at my new place, well, I have the Sympatico package, but it's not working and I don't know what to do in order to make it work. I would like to have it fix before Christmas... lol


Anonymous said...

thanks for the interesting information


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