Monday, November 26, 2007

I am being rude by the training guy at work

For a reason or another, I have a poor guy as trainer who strictly look me in the eyes when he speaks in front of the class and who keep saying bad things about my voice. The thing is, I have found that job in a call center.

Since the hours are flexible and that after 3 months we can basically choose our work schedule, I was quite happy about what I have found for job, even if it’s only paid 12$ per hour, because I will be able to combined that work with another job that I have right now. I combined the 2 jobs, 2 full-time jobs by the way. But I don’t mind, since cash keep coming in.

Anyway, I was quite happy about the job until now. It’s like the trainer is getting hard on me for a reason for another and keep ridiculing my voice. I have a girl voice, but it’s a regular girl voice I believe. I have been working in a call center thing doing surveys for several months now and I have been doing ok at the job. I thing it’s a way to make me leave because they seem to let people come in, any kind of really at that job, so I thing the guy want to make me leave. But I will pie on him and won’t leave for nothing in the world, just so he gets upset. And I am about to complaint to their human resources because at the first day of the training session, we had someone from the human resources talking to us, saying we shouldn’t take about religious, no racism, no sexism, etc… So I am about to ask the human resources if intimidation is pat of the training and if I am supposed to get been pushed down during their training session. And that might drive them mad at me.

Because hey, I really don’t give a damn for that job, I can easily find another job someplace else. And after what I might file a real complaint. The poor guy will get what he deserves at the end. I promise. I was looking for a good work experience, not sexual harassment.



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