Monday, October 8, 2007

Working on Thanksgiving day

I have been working from 1 to 9h30. I just hope to see a different in my pay. There's nothing much to say about my day. I wake up late and I went to work and I directly came home after that. I just can't wait for December to come.

Today was quite cold and was wearing sandals. I thing it will only get colder in the days to come and I will need to wear my shoes and I just don't like my shoes, either my coat. I try to save my money right now and it's really not easy. So I decide to buy anything until December. But there's still about 2 months and it will be quite long.

I have learn yesterday that I will have to move because I don't want to sign an agreement with the person who rent me the room where I am right now. It's going to be quick move. But still, I cannot stands the locator and the person I live with. I had to sign a 6 months agreement went I first get there, with all my stuff, and she didn't told me about it before, just when I arrive and I find her really miserable. And I hate the building. The apartment floor are old and the all apartment need to be paint. It's an old aprtment who never get attention from the building.

I will try to find a studio or something small only for me and a new comer, maybe a little cat. It's about time anyway I live on my own. I cannot stands my roomate and her boyfriend and the apartement owner no more longer. I just wonder if I will be able to find something soon. I might go to a cat shulter and find myself a kitty and stay all winter long with it in my new place. The question still remain is where it's going to be.

And it's about time I move along. I will be more than happy to sign a one year lease. I am quite tired moving from place to place with people I don't like. Last time, before here, I was in Brossard and back than, Anna Nicole Smith died and the woman I rent a room to, she was a nurse, told me that Anna Nicole Smith was "une salope" (a slut) and I didn't like it at all because I want to be just like Anna Nicole Smith. If Anna Nicole Smith was a slut, than I want to be a slut just like her.

It make me feel mad because I had a thing for Anna because she was a great entertainer and I felt there was no bad things about her and that she was the sweetest of all. So hearing that she was a slut from a nurse make me feel mad. But she's only a nurse anyway so should I care of what she things about Anna Nicole Smith.


Outerworlds on October 9, 2007 at 7:19 PM said...

I would have offered you to be my roommate. Though, I only have a 3 1/2. Well actually a 4 1/2, but one room is an office.

Sunny on October 13, 2007 at 9:38 PM said...

Oh lol!

Thanks, but after renting a room for so long, I prefer to move somewhere by my own.



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