Monday, December 24, 2007

Working on Christmas Eve

I am working today, my shift begin at 13h30. I just hope it will be one of those quiet day, I need one. It's getting anoying receiving calls one after the other. There's people actally who wait 20 minutes over the phone until to get an agent. Customers keep calling and calling... You barely have time to hang up that you immediately receive another call...

Anyway, the good news is that I don't work on Christmas day, so I might walk aound. I just wish it won't rain. And the bad news is that work on Boxing Day. I begin to really hate my job. I have work schedule still changing from week to week and I don't have 2 days off in a row, which I really don't understand the reason why. If still going on like this, I might begin to look for another job in January. There's no way I can continue like this. One day you work from 15 to midnight, another day 11h to 20h... Is it too much asking to have a fix schedule? I cannot work at my other job as much as I would like because of that.



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