Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My new job is getting more usual

I am not going to New Brunswick for Christmas. I won't have nothing much to do during that time, if it's not blogging. I might work during Christmas time, I don't know my work schedule yet. The job is not so bad. I didn't have any evaluation yet (thanks God lol), but other co-worker did.

I know I already did something wrong because I had to follow-up on something that I did and wasn't supposed to do. I explain the situation in writting, I didn't have the chance to talk face-to-face to my coach. I just hope I won't loose the job because what happen. I didn't get any news from it. Anyway, I was just trying to do my best, but when you think of it, the incident is a little bit hilarious. I was just trying to make the custome happy, my own way. I am doing to see what happen. I have receive my work schedule fo next week, so I know I am woking next week.

The job is sometime confusing and since I don't know nothing about cell phone, it's a little bit more challenging for me. Like for example, a guy once had a number save somewhere in his handset, I gave him the indication, everything went find, but when he asked me who to erase the number, I was stuck, I just don't know how it's work. Anyway, most customers know how work their handset, lucky me lol.



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