Sunday, February 25, 2007

Macaroni and cheese

I am having macaroni and cheese tonight for dinner.

You want to try My Lot anyway?

You can now ;) Just register via the following link:

Slash My Search or My Lot: Who’s the best?

For what I have been experience so far, I prefer Slash My Search. It’s less work. It’s much easier to do search by using their site (I am talking about Slash My Search). I did multiple search and so far, I earn $0.66132. On My Lot, by posting about 150 messages, I just earn 1.42$.

The “Slash My Search” thing is really easy and it’s a lot quicker to earn money their that on “My Lot”. “My Lot” required some writing and thinking and “Slash My Search”, none of that, just some quick typing and clicking. For now on, I will focus more on “Slash My Search”. I learn that I could possibly earn about 180$ per month by using “Slash My Search”. The 180$ don’t include any referrals. So since I don’t have any, the max that I gain earn is 180$. With 180$, I will not be that fat away of those 400$. I have been spending my Saturday browsing the Web I hope this will work out. About those 400$, it’s that I once post on “My Lot” that I wanted to make at least 400$ by using online money maker. 400$ is the amount of my rent for my room. It could be cool if I could pay my rent via online money maker…

I will let you know whenever I reach 400$.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

I had post something here, but is was been taken away...

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Slash My Search: Give it a try!

I just find out, SlashMySeach is a new search engine, just like Google, Yahoo, but in better, because you can gain money by using it! You want to give it a try? Just consult the following link. It's simple and easy:

My Lot or how to make a complete fool of yourself in forums...

So far, I post over 100 messages in different forums of My Lot. I try to answer questions the best as I could, but it's not easy when English is for you a second language. I try it out anyway and the result are... quite small. I just earn 1.31$ for more then 100 posts. I also put there some pictures. 1.31$ is not enought... I want more!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Your time worth money, so don't waste it!

Here are some a useful Web sites that provide information regarding scams:

Slash My Search

Since I had register with My Lot, I’ve been posting and answering some questions. You can follow my journey at:

I start a discussion regarding a new money maker that have been running for a while, call Slash My Search ( I heard a lot regarding Slash My Search, bad and good things. Since I’ve been actually searching for money makers over the Internet, I’ve got really interest in Slash My Search. I taught it could be a nice way to gain money. And to tell you the true, I don’t know a thing about Slash My Search. Why? Because I wasn’t able to get into their Web site yet. I was curious about this and I ask the following question in My Lot forum: “Do you know if the Slash My Search Web site still working?“ For as far that I knew back then, Slash My Search wasn’t working. Here is the link if you want to follow the discussion:

So far so good, I receive 11 answers for my question. Everybody seem to have the same problem and we are at least 11 persons who agree in one thing: Slash My Search is a spam. So you have to be extra careful when you try to make money online! Don’t invest your time in a scam! My Lot is not a spam, but you can only earn just little money.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

I am now on My Lot

Here is my kind of blog on My Lot:
My Lot is just fabulous. You get paid to post answers and start discussions. It's interesting and it's a good way to discovers the opinions of people in different subjects. By reading some posts, I just learn that Britney Spears has actually shave her head. I find it really strange. She's a mother of two and she gets her beautiful hairs shave. Would you like to join My Lot and have fun too? You now can, just click on the following link:

Friday, February 16, 2007

What Agloco can do for us…

I consider that’s a nice way to earn money. And who knows, I might make enough to consolidate my debts, no more debt problems. And maybe, enjoy life a little more, buy a domain registration… I really want to make money from home, with Agloco or not. I need some credit counseling or fast loans. One or another. Making money on the Internet can’t help me with everything.

More about AdSense

I heard that via the Adsense Web Services, if specific worls could really pay off if they where put on a Web site or a blog. But which words?

My First Blog!

This is my first blog. It's something I wanted to try for a long time and I am happy to put a little bit of myself on the Web. I wanted a place where I could share my pictures with everyone. I am from New Brunswick. I left a couple of years ago for my study. After that, I have been around, I move a couple of times. I was in Quebec City for several weeks. I then I move to Gatineau (Qc, near Ottawa, Canada). I have been there for almost 2 years. Since last August, I am in Brossard (Montreal area). I enjoy my new place and I find it really cool. My pictures cover those areas (New Brunswick, Quebec City, Ile d'Orleans, Gatineau, Ottawa and Montreal). It's a big mix of all those places. I like to take pictures of cats and landscapes. Photography is my major hobby.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Blog En Vogue

I am now fully searchable via Search engines! To make it happen, I use FeedBurner. You can access via:

The registration is free. FeedBurner is user friendly and I truly recommend it. Stay tuned for more useful tips.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine Day

Lonely evening, since I am spending Valentine Day all by myself. Nothing much going on. I try to search my blog via the Search feature on For a reason or another, I cannot find my own blog. I don't exist on the Web. I am all alone... for now.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Google Adsense

I receive my account for Google AdSense today! It's way too cool. If you want to learn more about AdSense, you can consult the following link:

I just earn my first 0.50 cents over the Internet!

Yes! And it was with Treasure Trooper. Here is the Web site:

More to come...

What's Agloco?

Agloco is a new way to gain extra money by surfing the Web. The concept is quite simple. By dowloading a bar that will be available in a few weeks, you will be able to gain money by surfing the Web. Since the tool bar is not available right now, you can, in the mean time, register, and let everyone know about Agloco! You can register at:

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